A Better Way to Heal

Most of us pay huge medical premiums every month. It’s a growing problem, and one that has stunted business growth in this most recent recession.

When we do get sick, our philosophy is often, “Good, now I can reap some benefit from all that expense.”

Unfortunately, many trips to the doctor do not add value. Yes, the condition may subside, either through a drug to cover a symptom, or a virus that runs its course. But the true cost of taking medications, and passing the buck on our health is becoming more evident daily.

There are dozens of articles from the past few years, pointing out that medical errors, whether diagnosis, drug interactions or overdoses, and even surgical mis-steps, have led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, each year.

Worst of all, when we are diagnosed with a life-threatening condition, we feel we have no alternative but to submit to the medical system. I don’t like it, and more and more of us are opting out, and choosing an alternative approach to healing, namely “diet and lifestyle change.”

The numbers back this approach. Think about it—lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, even breast cancer, result in huge expenses, added stress, and dangerous treatments that only buy a small percentage of patients, a few more years. The rest of us die quickly, and our families are so grateful to the doctors for doing everything they can, that they often ask for money to support the system or nonprofit that failed them.

Why do that? Why not realize that disease is caused by unnatural eating, unnatural living, and stress?

Why not gradually learn how to take better care of your body, and stop subjecting yourself to a life that makes you sick? This approach, including Macrobiotics, a plant-based diet, Eastern healing methods, and organic living, works for more and more people. There are several bouses:

  1. It’s much less expensive
  2. It’s easier on the environment
  3. It reduces animal suffering
  4. It provides a learning about nature that is wonderful
  5. It leads to more clarity of life’s purpose
  6. It promotes nature for the rest of the family and society
  7. It allows understanding of how to heal future health problems
  8. It promotes peace

We all go natural sooner or later. Why not sooner?

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