Easing Bipolar Disorder With Nature

Life has its ups and downs, but for you, the roller coaster is a daily occurrence, and hardly ever as enjoyable as a visit to the amusement park. Unfortunately, medicine is rarely a good answer.

Like most diseases, Bipolar Disorder is nothing more than your body’s reaction to poor diet and lifestyle choices.… Read the rest

Hooray For Western Medicine

I have been quiet this summer. Barely blogging 2-3 times per month.

The reasons are two-fold:

1. I am stuck in an awful and all-encompassing lawsuit, against one of the most evil corporations on the planet–CitiMortgage, Inc.

2. I am dealing with some health issues, that have happened due to the stress from 1 above, and from bad eating.… Read the rest

My Earth Day Wish

Happy Earth Day 2015!


Here’s my wish for Earth Day:

I wish all the people in the United States, were healthy, happy and enlightened enough to see that our planet has many wonderful, unique gifts that are ours for the borrowing, but that we must support her, and not take advantage because of greed and competition.… Read the rest

Perfect Summer Breakfast


Went to a party last night for an old friend’s 50th birthday. He is looking good, and his new house is wonderful, as was the company.

One thing that struck me was how old everyone looked. I guess 50 is on the back nine, but I also heard a lot of talk about cancer, hip and shoulder surgery, arthritis, etc.… Read the rest

Desperation Leads to Inspiration

“Every now and then we all get desperate.” I learned that from Peter Wolf, lead singer of the J. Geils Band.

Now, of course, that band is playing with out guitarist and co-founder J. Geils himself, due to a contractual issue.… Read the rest

Join Us For A Healthy Dinner

On July 12 in Natick we are having dinner at Moe’s Southwest Grill. It’s inexpensive, easy to get to, and reasonably healthy.

Visit this link to sign up

In the meantime, be good to yourself:

  1. Eat light in Summer: more raw veggies, less animal foods, hard and salty foods
  2. Get outside early or late in the day, remembering to replenish minerals (sea veggies cooked in water, and drinking water) when you sweat
  3. Choose this life, and give your full presence to others

Enjoy!… Read the rest

The Marathon Of Life

Today is wonderful…sunny, quiet, nature is on the move for Spring, and people are excited about the Marathon, the Bruins, and having a relaxing weekend. I already got some things done for today, so I can relax with my family.

Life is long.… Read the rest

Does The World Work?

Sometimes it seems that everything is broken.

In my world, it’s the little things that get me. The kids up the street don’t show up on time to walk with my daughter (so I get to walk her, that’s good), the street sweeper is preceded by the leaf-blower who is spewing gas fumes on kids walking to school, people have not signed up for my cooking class and it may be cancelled, and now my men’s group has scheduled a competing event.… Read the rest

500 Posts—Something For Everyone

I’ve been at this for a while now, and I must say, I enjoy it.

Sharing my life reminds me I’m not alone, and adds incentive for others to include people in their lives. In these times, with financial and other stress, we need to be in community with others.… Read the rest