Frequency of Illness vs. Quality of Diet


Do you get sick more than 2-3 times per year? Is the duration more than 24 hours?

Does this affect your productivity, enjoyment or budget?

If so, consider this: You may be eating too much, getting too many toxins, and still may not be getting enough nutrition, in order to keep your immune system strong.… Read the rest

Protein Truths

Proteins are amino acid chains  that our bodies create and use as enzymes, hormones and structural tissues.

The myth that animal protein is superior to plant protein comes from the fact that animal foods have all eight amino acids, vs. plant proteins which combine to provide them.… Read the rest

Oil Crisis and Healthcare Crisis Related!

Who do you know that “cannot eat fried food?”

In the old days, we enjoyed fried clams, onion rings, chicken, french fries, fried dough etc. with only minor issues.

Now, we get diarrhea just thinking about it. Why is that? Many reasons really, from portion size, to lack of fiber, to poor chewing.… Read the rest

Winter Preparations

October is a very active month, and not just because of Walmart selling Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations.

The energy of the kids is very active–they are getting into school, whether it be math problems or studying ancient greece, and most of them are still scurrying about in tee shirts, enjoying the last licks of Summer.… Read the rest