Health Truth or Dare!

My health is not perfect. After all, I’m 52, and I work every day.
I get a cold every 2-3 years, and a sore shoulder, back or leg, maybe every other year, but overall I enjoy excellent health. Five cavities, one (hand) surgery, and about three trips to the emergency room in the past 32 years, all minor.
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Winter Squash Recipes and Benefits


Winter squash is great. Here’s why:

  1. Squash is great for keeping you warm in the winter
  2. Squash is sweet but is very good for you
  3. Squash tastes great in soups, bakes, mashes, stir fries, pies, even jello!
  4. Squash is inexpensive and lasts
  5. Squash seeds are AMAZING when you dry/toast with some spices

Here are three great recipes:

1.Read the rest

Frequency of Illness vs. Quality of Diet


Do you get sick more than 2-3 times per year? Is the duration more than 24 hours?

Does this affect your productivity, enjoyment or budget?

If so, consider this: You may be eating too much, getting too many toxins, and still may not be getting enough nutrition, in order to keep your immune system strong.… Read the rest