How to Lose 25-100 Pounds Fast & Forever

Truth is, doing anything fast can be problematic. Slow and steady wins the race.  Better to do it slowly and keep the weight off, and feel great the whole time.

Make it a priority to live more healthfully, be happier and be productive in 2014.… Read the rest

Five Changes To A Much Better Country

The upcoming election does not interest me, and here’s why. I don’t believe that either side understands the importance of healing our people. Seems to me, we are sick, depressed, angry, obsessive, confused and tired, and we need something, fast.

Here are my Five Changes To A Much Better Country…

  1. Outlaw High Fructose Corn Syrup and NaCl in all foods, and ban all foods with more than 250 mg sodium and 25mg sugar per serving.
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How Natural Are You?

Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering.

Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are.





1. How many hours per day do you spend outdoors (think of the last 30 days=Spring!)Read the rest

My Morning Health Routine

When you wake up, are you ON right away?

Life can be more enjoyable, and your health stronger, if you spend :15 to :30 each morning in your body.

This can be meditation, yoga, stretching, affirmations, a walk, or a natural foods breakfast, or, all of the above!… Read the rest