Alzheimers Disease

Alzheimers is a terrible diagnosis to receive. The brain is covered in plaque in a matter of a few years, leading to loss of brain function, then death. Doctors say it is incurable and terminal.

Like all diseases, AD and even EOAD are a reaction by the body to extreme dietary choices. In this case, lots of yang animal foods: beef, pork, egg, chicken and cheese, and yin foods: white flour, sugar, honey and chocolate.

Cooking on an electric stove, overuse of computers, smartphones and microwave ovens, along with aluminum cookware can also contribute, as can a lack of sleep. The latter has been the subject of many recent studies.

Doctors will tell you AD runs in the family, which may be true to a degree. But poor eating runs in families as well. You cannot change your heredity, but you can change your diet and lifestyle. Macrobiotics can help!

Don’t give up on your loved ones because you believe the doctor when he says it’s terminal!

David can make a difference, offering:

  • Listening to what the symptoms are and what the doctors say
  • Studying your pantry, refrigerator, current meals and cravings
  • Cooking healing meals, drinks and remedies
  • Advising on lifestyle changes

You can stop the progression, and sometimes reverse AD damage.


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