Why Plant Based?

Why go plant based (vegan)? This is the big question for 2021. The Covid-19 Pandemic showed us that when we are shut down, the Earth heals very quickly. But politics intervened to make factory farms essential. Was that the right idea?

Will Tuttle’s New Article On Vaccinations and Being Plant Based

David’s Top 10 Reasons to Go Plant Based (vegan)

  1. Save Money! Eggs, Dairy and Meat are EXPENSIVE
  2. Live Longer! It is well known that ANIMAL PROTEIN CAUSES DISEASE
  3. Look Younger! Animal foods stress your organs and CAUSE WRINKLES
  4. Avoid Injury! A Plant Based Diet adds flexibility, avoids BREAKS/TEARS
  5. Save Animals! Cows, Pigs and Goats Breastfeed and LOVE THEIR YOUNG
  6. Clean Air, Land & Water! Pollution, Deforestation KILLS THE PLANET
  7. Avoid Climate Change! Greenhouse Gases from Cows CREATES STORMS
  8. Reduce Your Stress! Animal Foods Give Us ANGER, STRESS & ANXIETY
  9. Improve Your Karma! Factory Farms Cause ACCIDENTS & VIOLENCE
  10. Relieve Symptoms! Animal Foods = Inflammation, BACK PAIN, FLU, ETC.

There are many good books on health, vegetarianism, and the environment, but this book fits my list best. It is accepted fact in the world of academia, as it was written after many years of solid research, by the most famous academic scholar on the subject in the world, T. Colin Campbell. Check it out

Why Go plant Based

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