Healthy Baby Steps

If you are over 40 years of age, and have symptoms you aren’t enjoying, it may be time to make some adjustments. They can be healthy baby steps.

Maybe the doctor says you don’t need to change the way you eat. But that is bullcrap. Here are some steps you can take to lose weight, look and feel better, and extend your life…

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Baby Steps to Look & Feel Better & Live Longer:

  1. Wake up <7a, :30 daily nature walk, no eating >8p, sleep <11p
  2. Enjoy 2-3 home-cooked meals daily, occasional fruit for dessert
  3. Don’t skip meals, Chew well, eat sitting, not working, pickle after
  4. White fish/turkey 2x/wk; organic cream/butter/soft cheese 2x/wk
  5. Avoid BBQ, beef, pork, chicken, eggs, hard cheese in summer
  6. Small portion of pasta or bread 2x per week okay
  7. Boiled rice, millet, bulgur, oats, barley, quinoa can be daily
  8. Organic vegetables and fruits, as well as sea veggies
  9. Eat plenty of beans, nuts and seeds, watch out for salt
  10. Avoid chips, crackers and other hard foods
  11. Have miso soup or take a probiotic for digestion
  12. Take an anti-inflammatory daily such as Zyflammend
  13. Do yoga, stretching, chanting, affirmations, laughing daily
  14. Keep green plants in the home. Avoid chemical toxins
  15. Avoid smoking, alcohol, drugs and medications you don’t need

Book a $60 consult

Once you begin to make changes, you will see your efforts pay off within just a couple of weeks. But you may need some ideas, support, etc.

If you mess up, it’s okay! Just get back to the good stuff. Buy a cookbook, take a day off from work and cook, or cook with family. You can do it!

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