Sleep More For Life!

Sleep More! Many people I know are struggling with getting a good night’s sleep.

Sleep is how the body repairs itself. Those who do not sleep well are at risk for Alzheimer’s, accidents and more. We need more sleep as we age, particularly women.

Here is my top 10 ideas to improve your sleeping

Top Ten Ways to Sleep More & Sleep Better

  1. Avoid eating animal flesh
  2. Avoid alcohol and drugs
  3. Do more exercise, but not late in the day
  4. Stop eating and drinking by 7pm
  5. Stop media and work by 9pm
  6. Meditate before sleep
  7. Get to bed by 11pm, rise by 7am
  8. Do breath work or yoga daily
  9. Do a body rub daily
  10. Accept that rest is as good as sleep

More ideas for better sleep

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