Can’t Stop Eating?

My friend Scott is a wonderful man with a daughter who is going to college, and he has a lovely girlfriend. But he can’t stop eating.

I worry about him, because he is so large, and at over 50, he is having more and more health problems.

Food is great stuff, but too much of a good thing can lead to many issues. Scott eats too much, almost all of it unhealthy, and he does not exercise.

Not only does he have trouble fitting in the car, but he now has back problems, and apparently is experiencing Erectile Dysfunction as well.

Can't stop eating

His girlfriend complained to me that he just wants to eat sandwiches, and sit on the couch, whereas she likes salads, and wants to take walks, and be more active. This is what Scott needs, but who knows if he will ever change.

I would like to introduce him to healthier foods, and fun ways to get exercise, not just tell him to eat less, and walk more. So many people, including some big television stars have managed to lose a lot of weight, and as a result, they already have better lives, and a have a better chance of living a longer life.

Can’t stop eating? If you can relate to this story, or know someone who is happy, but could be happier, and put their family at ease, please know there is always hope, if a person can be reached with love, and creativity.

I am happy to help with this work. Remember, learning to cook and eating a natural diet can give you a new outlook, even a new career!

More stars who lost weight

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