Does The World Work?

Sometimes it seems that everything is broken.

In my world, it’s the little things that get me. The kids up the street don’t show up on time to walk with my daughter (so I get to walk her, that’s good), the street sweeper is preceded by the leaf-blower who is spewing gas fumes on kids walking to school, people have not signed up for my cooking class and it may be cancelled, and now my men’s group has scheduled a competing event.

But I realize it’s the judgement around these random or perfect events that gets me down. I need to work on clearing out the negativity, and welcoming whatever comes, as a gift, or an opportunity to connect with someone to make things better.

Sometimes it’s as simple as my diet. Too many pickles, too much bread, some late eating, and I’m feeling stuck with no energy flow. Combine that with some uncertainty, and you get a potential downward spiral. But the keys may be to identify it, choose it, work on it, ask for help on it, and breathe through it.

That’s my day. You enjoy yours.

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Does The World Work? — 1 Comment

  1. I think the key is to acknowledge it (fully) and then act upon it. Granted, people typically have no idea how to fully acknowledge their emotions so we get stuck, but it’s not supposed to be rocket science.

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