Health Truth or Dare!

My health is not perfect. After all, I’m 52, and I work every day.
I get a cold every 2-3 years, and a sore shoulder, back or leg, maybe every other year, but overall I enjoy excellent health. Five cavities, one (hand) surgery, and about three trips to the emergency room in the past 32 years, all minor.
I attribute my success to being open to learn, and to having made positive changes. I also attribute my health and happiness to being more natural in diet and lifestyle, than the average American.
There are many others like me, some taught me to be more natural, but most people enjoy technology and everything that American life offers: Diet Coke, e- cigarettes, cholesterol meds, and frequent air travel etc. Some do fine…

Unfortunately, once we hit 30, perhaps 50% of us are chronically ill. Most are not learning about natural health, and not making positive changes. These people suffer a lot, pay a lot for medical care (and/or insurance), and are less productive in life. It’s too bad.

We hear stories about people with heart disease, cancer, Alzheimers, Diabetes, MS, Parkinsons, and lately addiction to opioids or alcohol. What a shame. No wonder the country is in such big trouble.

But what if these people had the means, support, and motivation, to make real changes in the way they eat and live? Would some be cured or greatly improved? Or are doctors right, that health problems are largely incurable, and must be managed with drugs and surgery?

TRUTH: Are you, or is someone you live with, between the ages of 30 and 60 years old, and suffering with an illness that is making life expensive, difficult, scary, and possibly shorter? If so, do you believe a six month program of eating organic, local, seasonal, plant-based meals, doing daily body rubs, yoga or meditation, walks in the woods, and quitting smoking, drinking, using chemicals on your body or your lawn, etc. would make a real difference?



DARE: I challenge you to list ten symptoms you have had more than once in the past five years (gingivitis, bronchitis, tennis elbow, rash, etc.), and include the more serious chronic illness you may have. Then commit to this simple program, for 60 days:

1. Eat boiled short grain brown rice, miso soup and baked, boiled, stir-fried or steamed broccoli, cauliflower, collards, kale or brussel sprouts 2x per week. 

2. Eat half as much meat, seafood, dairy, sugar, and dried foods. Also eat out half as much (save money!) Add more beans, tofu, tempeh, mushrooms, etc. to satisfy your needs.

3. Eat less, chew more, don’t eat late, and skip dessert frequently. Drink clean water instead of soda, fruit juice, alcohol, tea and coffee.

4. Do a daily body rub and shower, add a shower filter, change your heating system filter, and eliminate perfume, hair dye, hair spray, nail polish and dangerous cleansers and pesticides on your lawn. Use your intuition about other good things you can do.

5. Spend more time in the woods, and less time on your computer or smart phone. Take up an old or new hobby. Enjoy more hugs and laughs. Meditate or do affirmations.

See what happens!!

Please use this site and for recipes, and visit Whole Foods for ingredients.

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