My Friend Pedro…

I meet a lot of people in my job. Most have an issue, and as a result, cannot drive themselves. Others just see the value in our service, to remove stress from their life.

In Pedro’s case, he is healing from a kidney issue, and cannot drive right now. I really like Peter–he enjoys Boston sports as I do, has a passion for automobiles, and has lived an interesting life.

So I would do anything to help him heal, if I could, in addition to giving him good service as a driver. But I think he is not so open to it, if it involves changing his health and eating habits, and that is really the ONLY way to heal. So I may just keep to myself. It is hard to do that, and I have lost a few clients recently, but that is my work.

I will share with you what my suggestions might be. Maybe they will come back to him!

  1. First, I would stop eating animal foods for a while. There are many reasons, but first and foremost, these cause acid buildup, which is hard on the kidneys.
  2. Next, I would eat more foods to heal the liver and kidney. These include onions, scallions, parsley, mushrooms, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, dandelion greens, etc.
  3. Adding well chewed brown rice, sea vegetables, miso, daikon radish, shiitake mushrooms and switching away from table salt, sugar, etc. will also help.
  4. Also avoiding coffee, tea, soda, fruit juice and alcohol for a while. I make a nice beverage called Sweet Veggie Tea.
  5. Finally, doing a daily body rub, and doing affirmations with gratefulness and a request for healing would be awesome.

After following those suggestions, and perhaps looking for other ways to improve, two months will bring about noticeable improvements, in mood, energy, biological functions, and even some weight gain.

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About admin

David L. Kagan has 35+ years experience in plant-based nutrition, alternative health, fitness, and self help. He has counseled many family, friends and clients on preventing and reversing illness, as well as improving results. Mr. Kagan delivers healthy food and beverages in Metrowest Boston. Contact him at 508.333.4153 or

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