Someone With Cancer In Your Life

I have about 15 clients with cancer in their family. Cancer is rampant now, compared with 30 years ago. It’s sad and disgraceful that it did not have to be this way, if not for greedy corporations, poorly run and corrupt government, and laziness.

I am first and foremost chanting for these people every day. This works…to a point.

But I want to help them bring more nature into their lives, which would really help. Unfortunately, their doctors are often not only ignorant, but against this idea. Think about it, if you were an oncologist, and  stood to make $2,500 per month from chemo via port for a patient, would you want to jeopardize that income by suggesting they change to a vegan diet, or get acupuncture and quit their job?

You should know that 80% of oncologists would refuse chemotherapy if they had cancer. That is because they know it doesn’t work for most people, and it kills many people.

If you need answers, and have listened to a doctor for too long, get in touch with me today. I have some suggestions, and can give really good advice, once I know your situation. Let me help!

All my best,



P.S. Here are three ideas for everyone with cancer:

  1. Make and eat miso soup at least three times per week
  2. Take a walk in the woods every morning for healing and mood
  3. Eliminate all dairy, chicken, and beverages other than water, sweet veggie drink and twig tea

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About admin

David L. Kagan has 35+ years experience in plant-based nutrition, alternative health, fitness, and self help. He has counseled many family, friends and clients on preventing and reversing illness, as well as improving results. Mr. Kagan delivers healthy food and beverages in Metrowest Boston. Contact him at 508.333.4153 or

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