The New War On Drugs

Remember when we were worried about Columbian drug lordsand neighborhood crack dens? You don’t hear much about either any more.

Now, everyone’s on drugs and it’s okay. Only it’s really not okay, we just
haven’t been hit with the meltdown from it yet. But make no mistake, it’s coming.

Just like cancer gives us warnings years and sometimes decades earlier,
with rashes, allergies, colds, fevers and the like, this disease has its symptoms.
In all likelihood, we’ll ignore them also, and then the situation will be much more costly.

Top Ten Symptoms of Impending Doom from Medication Overload in The U.S.

10. Nobody is talking about the War on Drugs anymore. In fact, CA has over 1,000
marijuana stores. Get this–they plan to pay off their deficit through them.

9. Guess what’s now in virtually all our public water systems? That’s right, medications,
for cholesterol, ADD, even erectile dysfunction. Still want your eight glasses of water today?

8. More sick days from school and work, despite the fact that people REALLY need this job,
and kids here are not keeping up with students from other countries, in subjects like Science and Math

7. Kids here are not only falling behind their counterparts in Europe and Asia, but they are falling asleep!
Yes, some of it is stress, and some of it is overeating before bed, but drugs are also wreaking havoc
with sleep patterns, and this causes more accidents, more violence, and more obesity.

6. School systems are going broke, catering to “special needs” kids. Sure, this is a good cause, but what
if we caused it with our overmedicating these kids?

5. Have you heard about the wife and husband on trial for murder of their youngster who was on at least
three medications so they could collect more money from the state?

4. You cannot watch a television show or read a magazine without seeing multiple ads for medications.
The front promises a satisfying Saturday night, or the ability to get through the day, but the back warns
of possible side effects, many times including DEATH!! How is it that sales of these drugs are going up?

3. For a while, doctors were overwhelmed by patient visits, and considered limiting their patient loads. Now,
they love it, because they are getting kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies. Gotta pay off that Mercedes somehow!

2. CVS stock is through the roof, and they are responsible for more construction projects than any other
company. Go figure!

1. The healthcare bill just fell on it’s face. But do you see any crying out from doctors, hospitals or drug companies?
Nope. Cuz now they are likely to keep charging exorbitant prices, and overprescribing to make a buck.

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David L. Kagan has 35+ years experience in plant-based nutrition, alternative health, fitness, and self help. He has counseled many family, friends and clients on preventing and reversing illness, as well as improving results. Mr. Kagan delivers healthy food and beverages in Metrowest Boston. Contact him at 508.333.4153 or


The New War On Drugs — 1 Comment

  1. It is a sad, sad situation.

    The drug companies should be prohibited from advertising to consumers, nor should they be “bribing” our doctors or lobbying our legislators.

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