Do You Have Fatty Liver?

There is new research showing that most severe cases of Covid-19 are in people with non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, which is caused by eating animal foods and sugar.

60% of Covid deaths are obese, 70% have hypertension, and of course most are over 65 years old.… Read the rest

Heal Your Liver

Winter is tough!! There comes a lot of bad eating, in order to get the energy to face the stress that comes with weather, Patriots games, rising prices, violence in the world and other difficulties in this competitive world.


The world’s most widely-acclaimed Macrobiotic healer, Warren Kramer, has told me in the past that I “know a lot” about Macrobiotics.… Read the rest

Commitment vs. Obligation

I am going through an exercise for the next 30 days to help free up my negative energy.

Even as I am committed to serving others, and I spend many hours cooking and driving and listening for people who need my support, I sometimes feel this work weakens me, and I need to understand and avoid that dynamic.… Read the rest