What Did Jesus Eat?

By all accounts, Jesus was a vegan. Makes sense, as about 15% of all current Jews are vegetarian, and 8% vegan. That is why so many Jews are thinkers and entertainers and inventors. They think, and their eating promotes thinking and civility.… Read the rest

What’s Wrong With Chicken?

Chickens are stressed out animals. Did you know that 95% of all the chickens and eggs sold in the U.S. come from factory farms, that have between 100,000 and 750,000 birds?

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Maybe you don’t feel that matters, but it does, as:

  1. Factory farm Chickens spread more disease
  2. To cope with that, more chemicals are used
  3. The environmental cost from transporting poultry is significant
  4. Horrible conditions: 22 hour days, beak clipping, no space
  5. Employees conditions: low wages, toxic smells, no humanity
  6. The result when we eat these animals is poor health…
  7. Higher cancer, heart disease, stress and bad karma

There are now good substitutes for chicken now, including:



Beyond Meat


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Thank you.… Read the rest