Inflammation, Inflammation, Inflammation

Our understanding of Health is advanced in many ways, but it is also lacking in some aspects.

It Starts at the Top

It is very sad that corporations and I FDA conspire against consumers to keep them unhealthy, so many many billions of dollars can be spent on medical tests, drugs, and procedures.… Read the rest


Why is it, that only violence creates change with the U.S. Government?

We understand Black Lives Matter, and we are glad to see folks rallying around people who are discriminated against or are the victims of violence or unfair treatment in our society, through peaceful protests.… Read the rest

Just Had A TIA or Mini-Stroke Or a Senior Moment?

ABCs of Avoiding Stroke & Alzheimers…

A. Be Heart Healthy:

  1. Cut beef, pork, poultry, eggs and dairy consumption
  2. Choose organic for animal foods, fruit and greens
  3. Avoid white flour, yeast, table salt, corn syrup, and chemicals
  4. Eat boiled rice, millet, barley and other whole grains 2x daily
  5. Enjoy radish, onion, kale, collard, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot and winter squash

B.Read the rest

Seven Healthy Foods You Should Try

If you eat these foods regularly, you are probably healthier than your neighbors:

  1. Brown Rice (preferably pressure-cooked short grain, this time of year)
  2. Seaweed (Nori, Wakame, Kombu, Arame, Dulse, Hiziki, Agar)
  3. Mushrooms (white, portobello, shiitake, maitake, porcini, oyster, etc.)
  4. Daikon Radish
  5. Umeboshi Plums, paste, pills, etc.
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Enjoy that Meat and dairy…While Your Body, The Earth & Animals Suffer


Your health problems are caused by animal foods.

Vegan odds of getting cancer, heart disease, diabetes or having an accident are less than half of meat eaters.

Surprisingly, calcium, protein and vitamins are more prevalent in vegan foods as well. Lobbyists work hard to fight the truth.… Read the rest

What’s Wrong With Chicken?

Chickens are stressed out animals. Did you know that 95% of all the chickens and eggs sold in the U.S. come from factory farms, that have between 100,000 and 750,000 birds?

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Maybe you don’t feel that matters, but it does, as:

  1. Factory farm Chickens spread more disease
  2. To cope with that, more chemicals are used
  3. The environmental cost from transporting poultry is significant
  4. Horrible conditions: 22 hour days, beak clipping, no space
  5. Employees conditions: low wages, toxic smells, no humanity
  6. The result when we eat these animals is poor health…
  7. Higher cancer, heart disease, stress and bad karma

There are now good substitutes for chicken now, including:



Beyond Meat


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Thank you.… Read the rest

Ten Superfoods You Need to Try Now

Superfoods can counteract the garbage we put into our body when we cannot say no. Here are my top ten. I eat them every month or more, and as a result I can still jump over fences at 49.

  1. Hato Mugi
  2. Maitake mushrooms
  3. Umeboshi Plums
  4. Daikon
  5. Miso
  6. Kuzu
  7. Burdock Root
  8. Lotus Root
  9. Sea veg: Nori, Wakame, Arame, Kombu, Kanten (Agar)
  10. Sweet Vegetable Drink

The above foods, along with brown rice and local seasonal vegetables, will keep you happy and healthy well into your 80s.… Read the rest

New Reasons Not To Eat Beef

cowsare people

According to researchers, eating beef more than once per year contributes to heart disease.

Okay, so here’s 10 reasons not to eat beef:

  1. Linked to heart disease
  2. Linked to cancer
  3. Linked to obesity
  4. Linked to alzheimers
  5. Drains drinking water supplies
  6. Damages soil through fertilizer and toxic runoff
  7. Adds to climate change through methane and transport of beef
  8. Adds to animal suffering on factory farms etc.
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