I'm Here For You Metrowest

Having studied natural eating, healing and lifestyle techniques over the past 25 years, and improving my condition, I’m now offering my services to individuals, families, corporations and municipalities, to help turn the tide in our suffering from poor health, wealth, happiness and relations.

Where would someone start? My focus is on working people between ages 35-55, who want to have more energy when they are awake, better sleep at night, and better results in everything from work to marriage to golf. Luckily, my program has a very fast ROI, so companies and citys and towns can also benefit—mainly from lower healthcare expenses and fewer sick days. Long term benefits also include lower turnover, prestige and a lower carbon footprint.

Interested? Check out my site at http://www.DavidsOrganic.com for more information.

Freedom to Think for Yourself

In our world, we are usually focused on others–taking care of our kids, watching stars on TV, even taking our

eating and healthcare advice from others, whether they be restaurants, supermarkets or physicians.

What if we spent more time focused on ourself? Perhaps we can find what we need to live a better life, instead

of always complaining that our lives aren’t as great as they could be?

Everyone’s in a different place, at a different level. If a new study says everyone should take cod liver oil,

be skeptical. Sure, it might be great for a lot of people, and I take it sometimes when I haven’t had fish

for a while, but think about what you need most, then pursue it, rather than taking the pundit’s advice.

Remember, they are frequently wrong, they change their minds when they find a new hot product to hype,

and they don’t know your condition.

I challenge you to spend fifteen minutes today meditating, just sitting and breathing, and at the very end,

ask yourself: “what physical changes would be right for me at this time?” It could be something simple,

like you want to buy ear-muffs this winter, as your ears were frequently cold last year. Or, you may commit

to having dessert only once or twice a week, instead of most every night. Perhaps you enjoy the meditation

enough to do it more often.

What’s important is, it’s your body, and your life. Please don’t let the media, the doctor, the fashionista

determine what you consume. That’s freedom.

Balancing Heavy Meals

Today my father-in-law took me out to lunch at Terra Brasilis, where they have something for everyone. The food is fresh and well prepared, but general not organic, fyi.

I eat almost no animal foods, but today I was on Ed’s turf (so to speak–irony!) so I decided to have a taste of fish etc. It was yummy, but about a half hour later I remembered why I usually don’t do that. I felt stressed, and my shoulder ached fiercely. Such is the body of a well-balanced person–very sensitive.

But I do know what to do, and that’s what Macrobiotics is all about. So when I got home I had some hot apple juice (slightly diluted) and I felt about 75% better within five minutes. Then I went for a brisk walk to use some of that extra animal energy (lovely day, 66 degrees, did I just dream there was a blizzard on Sunday?), and I felt great again.

It’s nice to know what the body needs, and keep things balanced. It requires a little bit of knowledge and one needs to have some willpower. Just because Wendy’s is open ‘ti 1 am does not mean I need to go there.

Where are you headed? If you need a lesson on Macrobiotics, or just healthy eating, please let me know.

Winter Preparations

October is a very active month, and not just because of Walmart selling Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations.

The energy of the kids is very active–they are getting into school, whether it be math problems or studying ancient greece, and most of them are still scurrying about in tee shirts, enjoying the last licks of Summer.

After yesterday of course, we are now getting ready for Winter. The Patriots have their heaters and gloves, but what do we know about preparing for Winter?

One might think we should listen to 7 News, and prepare for Swine Flu shots and making sure we shred our garbage so nobody steals our identity. But I’m really talking about our intuition, and seasonal changes related to eating, our home environments, bodycare and fitness. Changes we can grow with.

I’m preparing my house, which means fixing some drafty spots, cleaning out the garage, and bringing plants indoors. I’m also clearing out some junk, and I’ve got the ping pong table in good shape and free of storage, so we can have many hours of indoor winter fun. Finally, I’ve started thinking about my Feng Shui at home, so I can have a better mood, and improved finances, along with more harmonious relationships.

That stuff really works. You know what changes you need to make. And if you don’t, try turning off the television, doing a mini-fast of brown rice (chew 100 times), and then meditate on what your body needs to be nurtured during winter. Then get busy making it happen.

Good luck!

Appreciation at Autumn time

Last night I cooked for a few friends, new and old, and they joined my family for dinner in Framingham. I had fun, and I think others did also.

-Hot Sake
-Hearty Vegetable Miso Soup
-Late Summer Salad
-Millet with Sweet Vegetables
-Tofu ‘n Greens Egg Roll
-Apple Pie with topping
-Kukicha Tea

Here’s what I learned:

-It’s a lot of work to have company! I need to have some help next time
-I enjoy cleaning my house and having it neat
-Cooking a healthy meal is not difficult, but it is time-consuming
-People who practice Macrobiotics age at a much less rapid rate

I am excited about this time of year. Apples, squash, etc. are so delicious
and the air is so crisp. Next comes the leaves!

Life is typically very busy this time of year, but I promise to take a few minutes each day to enjoy just being in my body.

Have a great Autumn!

Back at it

In life, you keep coming back to the things that matter, or keep on tripping you up. But which is which?

Actually, it may be both. Our strengths and our weaknesses are often the same. They are paths we choose to walk, and they reveal our humanity, which includes gifts, love and dedication.

They can also include our fears, frustrations, and temptations, so here’s what I do…

I am grateful for what I have, and I try to bring the best of what I have to everything I do. I am open to learning, and realize that sometimes I will stumble. I need to remember to breathe, respect yang, and choose my yin wisely.

For an explanation of this, please contact me at http://www.honestanswer.net, or imdavek@aol.com

Oh, and Happy Autumn next week!!

Opening Up to What Is

My therapist thinks I’m nuts, because I’m looking into so many new things. But this is a great time for exploration.

Standup Comedy
Men’s Work
Polarity Therapy
Enneagram/9 Star Ki/Horoscope

Sure, the goal is to get back to work. But once we do, we’ll have a lot less time to explore, and we’ll need all the creativity we can summon, to do great work, and to keep ourselves balanced.

I feel in tune with what is–it’s a big, messy world, and life is short so we better
enjoy it!

Balancing Act

Macrobiotics can help us get back to balance, because we understand our condition and we know what food or activity choices we need to make at any given time.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t understand the basics of yin and yang, and the restaurants, supermarkets and advertising agencies who are in charge of what we eat, are not interested in helping us.

Most of us who work a job, have kids, and aren’t quite able to accomplish all that we need to get enough free time to kick back and enjoy life, are frequently YANG–that is, we are contracted, tight, stressed, dry, moving fast and our internal organs are overworked, especially the kidney, liver and pancreas.

Occasionally, I run into someone who is super-relaxed, at loose ends, taking lots of sugar, drugs, entertainment, unable to focus, and I’m amazed at how they got there. These people are YIN–that is, expanded, diverging, and possibly a bit schizophrenic. These people tend to have lung, head, neurological and sinus conditions.

Does this sound interesting? If so, you need to read any book by Michio Kushi, but especially his The Book Of Macrobiotics. It’s a classic.

It explains the universe, the seasons, all that good stuff, and then gets to food, which is of course very important. But until you read those 300+ pages, I will just say that if you want balance, you need to eat more boiled whole grains, such as brown rice, millet, barley, etc., and a mix of organic vegetables, sea vegetables, legumes and fermented foods (miso, pickles, etc.), and less animal foods (mostly yang, except for milk/cream/butter) and chemicalized/processed foods (can be yin or yang).

More next time!!

Macrobiotics For Dummies

If you are interested in learning about Macrobiotics, here is a tiny introduction…

Macrobiotics is a philosophy that studies the forces of Yin and Yang in the universe, how they relate to all life, and how humans can improve their lives through wisdom of balance and change in our world.

There are thousands of documented cases of people with “incurable” diseases including cancer, that have been completely cured through Macrobiotics. Because it espouses a mostly vegan diet, with organic foods, better chewing and more intention on natural foods and lifestyle, it aligns with many other philosophies that have also had success. It also can have an impact on our satisfaction, productivity, and help us clean up the planet.

There are several Macrobiotic restaurants throughout the country, in places like L.A., Chicago, NY and even Waltham MA (Masao’s Kitchen on Moody Street). Or pick up a book, and hit Whole Foods.

Foods that are acid-forming, very contracting (yang), very expanding (yin), or highly processed are to be avoided, as well as those out of season and out of climate. In addition, pesticides and other chemicals should be avoided. This includes most animal foods (except occasional white meat fish), dairy foods, eggs, fast foods, and snack foods.

Corned Beef-high in fat, sodium and nitrates, as well as pesticides, and contains meat from poorly treated animals, and sent across many miles at great environmental cost. The suffering of the animal does tend to enter our bodies, believe it or not.

Diet Soda-loaded with chemicals, this has no redeeming value at all. Strive to drink mostly clean water, with occasional twig tea, amasake, beer and sake, and limit drinking later in the day.

Peppers, Tomatoes, Potatoes, Spinach, Eggplant-these are better than the above, but are acid-forming (yin), so they promote osteoporosis and other problems in the body. Look to onions, green cabbage, broccoli, spinach, winter squash, carrots and kale, as well as dozens of other vegetables instead.

Top 12:
1) Sea vegetables such as wakame, nori and kombu
2) SI or similar unprocessed white sea salt
3) Umeboshi plums, paste and vinegar
4) Miso, Tofu and tempeh
5) Beans such as Azuki, Black beans and Garbanzo beans
6) Lotus and burdock root
7) Sesame Oil and Toasted Sesame Oil, as well as sesame seeds
8) A good flat knife
9) Wood utensils such as a spoon, spatula and chopsticks
10) High quality Shoyu (Japanese made soy sauce)
11) Short grain Brown Rice
12) Dried shiitake mushrooms

Next time we’ll talk about balancing meals and your condition!

Meanwhile, the book, Macrobiotics For Dummies, is now out, through Wiley, and for sale on Amazon et al. It’s pretty good, not a bad place to start.