People Are Dropping Like Flies. Here’s Why…

I lost a friend on January 3 who had been battling cancer. I have been dwelling on him a lot. It’s sad for his 13 year old son, and many friends and family.

The doctors said he had one to two years left as recently as October.… Read the rest

New Reasons Not To Eat Beef

cowsare people

According to researchers, eating beef more than once per year contributes to heart disease.

Okay, so here’s 10 reasons not to eat beef:

  1. Linked to heart disease
  2. Linked to cancer
  3. Linked to obesity
  4. Linked to alzheimers
  5. Drains drinking water supplies
  6. Damages soil through fertilizer and toxic runoff
  7. Adds to climate change through methane and transport of beef
  8. Adds to animal suffering on factory farms etc.
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