How to Lower Health Insurance Costs

Have you seen this graphic in yesterday’s Boston Globe?

It’s nothing new that health insurance costs are rising at 10-15% per year. What is new is that our economy is practically dead because of it.

What can employers do? What can you do?… Read the rest

Come Home to Your True Nature

Just saw Will Tuttle speak (saw him once before) in Sudbury. Unbelievable guy, so inspirational.

Lived in a trailer for the past 10 years, with his artist wife, cris-crossing the country, speaking about his book, and playing music for people. I was not able to capture the mood in the room, but I did get a few thoughts…

According to Heifer, International, cows were created for 4 Ms…Meat, Milk, Manure and Money

Every day, 75 million animals are killed in the USA for food.… Read the rest