You Have a Hard Pancreas

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Pancreatic cancer is on the rise. You can tell by reading the obituaries, or by Googling it.

Steve Jobs, that famous Last Lecture professor from Carnegie Mellon Randy Pausch, Patrick Swayze, Michael Landon, Sally Ride, Ben Orr from the Cars, and so many others have died, some of them very young, from Pancreatic Cancer. More lately, given the pollution, stress, and non-foods we now eat.

Makes total sense. The pancreas is a very small and sensitive organ, deep inside your body, and it can be adversely affected by too much:

  • Salt
  • Beef/Pork/
  • Poultry
  • Eggs
  • Sugar
  • Fruit
  • Coffee
  • Smoking
  • Chemicals
  • Spices

Stress also hurts the pancreas, as well as not getting enough rest and sleep. You may recall that diabetes has gone from 10% to 40% of our population in the past two generations. Pancreatic cancer is also rising fast.

I see Americans eating a lot of eggs, salt, meat, then having a cigarette and coffee, and I understand why so many people get Pancreatic cancer.

Do you have a tight pancreas? One way to tell is to feel the center of your palms. If there is a give, a softness, then you needn’t worry. But if it’s hard there, and you eat some of the above foods on a regular basis, and perhaps you also run, or bike to keep it shape, you might need to mellow out your pancreas.

Here’s how to avoid Pancreatic Cancer

  1. Don’t skip meals, eat less, chew more, eat sitting down
  2. Eat more boiled grains and vegetables
  3. Eat less animal foods, especially in the summer
  4. Avoid all sugar, but especially sugar that comes with salt
  5. Avoid all eggs, but especially baked goods, and especially in the summer
  6. Lower your sodium intake. <100mg per serving for any prepared food is good.
  7. Eat less fruit, especially tropic fruit, and especially in the winter
  8. Minimize chemicals in food and beverages, cleansers, personal care, and outside
  9. Get enough rest & sleep, work less, take two showers/day, do yoga/thai chi/meditate
  10. Take plenty of nature walks, and lie down on the grass each day

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