Graduate From Difficulty to Easy Street

Being busy is a gift. Enjoy what you do and you are free, regardless of your income or fame.

Getting sick makes life difficult. People don’t realize this until it happens to them or to a loved one.

But here’s the interesting part.… Read the rest

Health Yourself

Summer is a great time to heal your body. Eat less, be outside more, de-stress by working less, and laughing more. And give to others, which makes us all feel good. Learn more about healing at http://www.davidsorganic.wordpress.comRead the rest

Some Days You Know…

Today I woke up and knew I had to eat light.

I had trouble getting out of bed–three days in a row eating potato latkes might have contributed.

So here’s my plan…

1) Get plenty of fresh air and exercise
2) Eat lightly, and chew very well–brown rice, cooked veggies and soup only
3) Stay away from things I like and have been eating lately, such as bread, crackers, nuts Don’t eat standing up, or between meals
4) Have some hot carrot juice to stay relaxed about 3pm
5) Meditate on how lucky I am to have so many great people in my life

Tomorrow, I’ll probably go back to eating more, if I’m up to it.… Read the rest

Balancing Act

Macrobiotics can help us get back to balance, because we understand our condition and we know what food or activity choices we need to make at any given time.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t understand the basics of yin and yang, and the restaurants, supermarkets and advertising agencies who are in charge of what we eat, are not interested in helping us.… Read the rest