Do You Believe These Headlines?

Today’s Boston Globe reports that “Organic food may not be much healthier,” according to Stanford University doctors who reviewed past studies on organic versus conventional foods.

But, as with contracts, it’s important to read the fine print. The article also goes on to say:

  1. Organic produce had a 30% lower risk of containing detectable pesticide levels
  2. Germs in non-organic meas had a 33% higher risk of being resistant to multiple antibiotics
  3. Organic foods may be better for the environment and look and taste better

It is true that organic foods are often 1.5 to 3x the price of conventional foods, but with soaring cancer rates, as well as loss of many species and degradation of soil, water and air quality, it may be a price worth paying.… Read the rest

Transition Is For Real

Folks, species are now dying at an unprecedented rate, and as cancer, diabetes and Alzheimers skyrocket, humans are next on the menu. What can be done? Possibly, nothing. But if anything can save us, it’s the Transition Movement.

What is Transition?… Read the rest

Thanks For Keeping It Real

The other day I posted my annoyances with this world, and a comment came in which was dead on—depressing to read, but I needed to hear it. So thanks.

We all need to live in the real world which is more about competition than cooperation.… Read the rest

How Natural Are You?

Nature keeps us healthy and happy, and by being natural we help preserve nature, and reduce suffering.

Here’s a little quiz to see how natural you are.





1. How many hours per day do you spend outdoors (think of the last 30 days=Spring!)Read the rest