See Your Life Differently, Success Awaits You

We are the ones who limit our success. It’s easy to blame kids, ex-wives, parents, bosses, the government, etc., but really it’s us.

My Dad told me this long ago, but I rejected it because I was young and foolish. He may not have been perfect, or always present, but he was right about many things.… Read the rest

Thanks For Keeping It Real

The other day I posted my annoyances with this world, and a comment came in which was dead on—depressing to read, but I needed to hear it. So thanks.

We all need to live in the real world which is more about competition than cooperation.… Read the rest

The Best In Life Is Yet To Come

I keep bumping into things I really need. I am so grateful and happy!!

Last week, I started chanting like a real Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, this week I’m receiving new gifts…clients, jobs, new friends, piece of mind and improved relationships.… Read the rest