Desperation Leads to Inspiration

“Every now and then we all get desperate.” I learned that from Peter Wolf, lead singer of the J. Geils Band.

Now, of course, that band is playing with out guitarist and co-founder J. Geils himself, due to a contractual issue.… Read the rest

Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

As promised, here are my Top 10 Ways To Create Peace

  1. Drop sugar from your diet
  2. Only see the good in others
  3. Meditate every day
  4. Live mindfully and modestly
  5. Take a daily nature walk
  6. Forgive yourself completely
  7. Love, laugh and be grateful for freedom
  8. Listen deeply to everyone, especially your adversaries
  9. Take care of all living beings
  10. Make an effort to drink clean water and eat clean foods
Click here for more top 10 lists

 … Read the rest

The Best In Life Is Yet To Come

I keep bumping into things I really need. I am so grateful and happy!!

Last week, I started chanting like a real Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, this week I’m receiving new gifts…clients, jobs, new friends, piece of mind and improved relationships.… Read the rest

Why Life Sometimes Seems Not Worth It (But Is)

I know quite a few people who have mentioned the S word to me lately. Given the fact that my sister lost her life this way just six months ago, I have a lot to say.

I too have stress, and sometimes wonder if it’s worth it to go through the motions every day, when I don’t have enough money to pay the bills, the kids make life difficult, and there is always something around the corner which rots (bank fees, construction detours, blackouts, etc.,).… Read the rest

Are You Happy?

I am happy. I have very important things of health, enough money to eat and have shelter, and a beautiful wife and two amazing children.

My body feels great most of the time, and at 47, I know a lot of other people that cannot say the same.… Read the rest