Fear or Freedom?

I keep hearing people say we are falling behind the rest of the world in terms of education. While that may be true, there are many other truths as well. Among them:

  • We are falling behind other nations in health
  • We are falling behind other nations in happiness
  • We are falling behind other nations in social responsibility

From the 50s to the 80s, we were fearful of falling behind the Russians. While we may have won the cold war, we have created an socioeconomic system that is quite broken.

I propose we explore true freedom, and let the wealthy and the corporations pay for it. Lower the drinking age, legalize marijuana, and turn some colleges into charter primary schools, with open enrollment so students can come when they want to come, and learn what they want to learn.

I would also add two courses to the curriculum: Nature Preservation, and Caring For and Feeding Humans

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