Sugar, Part 2

If you read David’s Organic Blog yesterday (, you probably saw a bad limerick plus some bad news that you probably knew deep down.

One thing I forgot to add:

#6-Sugar is a poor choice this time of year because it makes us colder.… Read the rest

New Attitude

I’m committed to helping people find better health, happiness and productivity, at work and at home, through examining and making changes to their habits related to diet, exercise and lifestyle.

I have a lot of education, talent, motivation and desire to help people, and some experience, but I also have some barriers to success which I will need to overcome.… Read the rest

Taking A Day Off

Yesterday, my mother-in-law Mary Rosen finally passed away, after almost 20 years with Parkinsons. We are very thankful that we got to say goodbye, although being without her is difficult to imagine.

Although her life was very difficult for 10 of those 20 years, she never once complained.… Read the rest

Sick On The Job?

Did you happen to read Sunday’s Money & Career page in the Boston Globe?

It featured an article about employee health, which seems to be falling to a new low, partly due to high stress in the workplace.

On the one hand, most companies are working people to the bone, and offering no incentives to their employees to begin working on their diet and lifestyle.… Read the rest