Spring Is Coming, Lighten Your Diet

Wow, what a winter it has been! Greater Boston has had more snow than anyone can remember, and also colder temperatures.

But the end is near. Hopefully, without flooding to add more problems to our lives.

In regards to eating, we are turning the page from more animal foods, and well cooked dishes, and bean soups, to lighter fare such as medium grain brown rice and lentils, onions and scallions, and of course blanched and pressed salads.… Read the rest

Sweet Vegetable Drink For What Ails You

Welcome to late summer in New England! Sure it’s going to hit 90 today, but we are always a bit behind the times in Boston, no?

I hope back to school or work, or moving, or whatever season your life is in, is going well.… Read the rest

Good Vegetables, Bad Vegetables


You want to be healthy, right? So you eat a lot of vegetables. How wonderful!

But there are certain veggies, that do more harm than good. Would you like to know which ones?

It’s not quite black and white, but nightshade vegetables for instance, such as Potatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, and tomatoes, are very acidic to the body, and should be avoided, especially, raw, and especially in the fall and winter months, if you live in a colder climate.… Read the rest

Sickness Duration As A Clue To Your Health & Longevity


How often do you get sick?

When you do get sick, how long does it take to get well? Would you like more health?

Before I began eating brown rice every day, eating mostly organic, and limiting animal foods, I would get “The Flu” every year once or twice, and literally be down for one to three weeks.… Read the rest

Ten Superfoods You Need to Try Now

Superfoods can counteract the garbage we put into our body when we cannot say no. Here are my top ten. I eat them every month or more, and as a result I can still jump over fences at 49.

  1. Hato Mugi
  2. Maitake mushrooms
  3. Umeboshi Plums
  4. Daikon
  5. Miso
  6. Kuzu
  7. Burdock Root
  8. Lotus Root
  9. Sea veg: Nori, Wakame, Arame, Kombu, Kanten (Agar)
  10. Sweet Vegetable Drink

The above foods, along with brown rice and local seasonal vegetables, will keep you happy and healthy well into your 80s.… Read the rest

Snacking Better

If you don’t bring a healthy lunch to work, then you might have to eat out.

Most restaurants and takeout joints pack their food with tons of salt, sugar, chemicals and animal products, which not only weaken your immunity and promote obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc.,… Read the rest

500 Posts—Something For Everyone

I’ve been at this for a while now, and I must say, I enjoy it.

Sharing my life reminds me I’m not alone, and adds incentive for others to include people in their lives. In these times, with financial and other stress, we need to be in community with others.… Read the rest

New Attitude

I’m committed to helping people find better health, happiness and productivity, at work and at home, through examining and making changes to their habits related to diet, exercise and lifestyle.

I have a lot of education, talent, motivation and desire to help people, and some experience, but I also have some barriers to success which I will need to overcome.… Read the rest

Taking A Day Off

Yesterday, my mother-in-law Mary Rosen finally passed away, after almost 20 years with Parkinsons. We are very thankful that we got to say goodbye, although being without her is difficult to imagine.

Although her life was very difficult for 10 of those 20 years, she never once complained.… Read the rest