Eating Animals and Violence (Such as Terrorism)


What is your response to what is going on in Boston this week?

If you want to “kill ’em!,” then maybe you are feeling stressed, and certainly that is understandable.

But eating a lot of animal foods also stresses us out, particularly overcooked meats and eggs.… Read the rest

The Marathon Of Life

Today is wonderful…sunny, quiet, nature is on the move for Spring, and people are excited about the Marathon, the Bruins, and having a relaxing weekend. I already got some things done for today, so I can relax with my family.

Life is long.… Read the rest

The Best In Life Is Yet To Come

I keep bumping into things I really need. I am so grateful and happy!!

Last week, I started chanting like a real Buddhist: Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, this week I’m receiving new gifts…clients, jobs, new friends, piece of mind and improved relationships.… Read the rest

Sweet Vegetable Tea For Healing, Weight Loss, Mood

Are you perfectly happy during the day, extremely healthy, and eating well?

Very few of us are. Life is extremely hectic these days, and most of us don’t even know how to eat well, never mind the truth that organic food can not even be trusted.… Read the rest

Are You Happy?

I am happy. I have very important things of health, enough money to eat and have shelter, and a beautiful wife and two amazing children.

My body feels great most of the time, and at 47, I know a lot of other people that cannot say the same.… Read the rest

How I Wake Up Every Morning

The beautiful serenity of a good night’s rest can be quickly shattered by an alarm clock or an uptight spouse.

I have taken many classes in meditation, yoga, d0-in, and have developed a morning routine that works well for me. Here’s what I normally do…

1) Open the shade and window, and breathe in deeply while gazing at the rising sun in my woodsy backyard (I am lucky)

2) Sit up straight and breathe, then give myself a masssage from my head and face to my neck, shoulders, arms and hands, to my shakras (7 altogether), to my legs and feet.… Read the rest

America's Anger Problem

We are angry. That’s why hockey dads kill coaches, disgruntled ex-workers kill bosses, and Army doctors kill patients.

Why are we so angry? Primarily because we are eating sick, miserable, scared and angry animals at a ferocious pace, and we are surrounded with suffering and a lack of wisdom on how to handle it.… Read the rest

America’s Anger Problem

We are angry. That’s why hockey dads kill coaches, disgruntled ex-workers kill bosses, and Army doctors kill patients.

Why are we so angry? Primarily because we are eating sick, miserable, scared and angry animals at a ferocious pace, and we are surrounded with suffering and a lack of wisdom on how to handle it.… Read the rest