Improving Institutional Cooking

I had the opportunity to visit a cutting edge rehab facility in Metrowest this week, and was very impressed with their level of organization, cleanliness, and technology for rehabbing patients.

Unfortunately, like most others, their menu leaves much to be desired.… Read the rest

Some Kids Like To Try New Things

For some reason,* our house is the place to be right now. My 14 year old son has two friends over, for Wii games

and shouting, mostly, kids love that stuff. And my 10-year old daughter has a friend over too, a little more mellow,

piano, dreidel and playing with our pet turtle keep them occupied.… Read the rest

Recipe for Squash Kanten (great snack, lunch or dessert)

Squash is good to eat right now–very plentiful (although not as plentiful as last year), and the orange color tells you

it’s full of life.

Eat this, and you will enjoy your day…

Cube 2 cups squash or pumkin, without the skin and seeds

Boil gently in 4 cups of water with a dash of sea salt for about 10 minutes.… Read the rest