Try David’s Sweet Vegetable Drink Today

When you are at work, how do you feel halfway between lunch and dinner, at say 3pm?

Probably, a bit cranky, and in need of a little boost. Your body is way ahead of you. It’s scouting out the cookies, candy, soda, coffee or potato chips to help your blood sugar level get you through your day.… Read the rest

My Ten Favorite Vegetables

What Americans eat these days can range from downright scary (have you seen Andrew Zimmern on the Food Network?), to quite gorgeous (too many new Farm to Table restaurants in MA to mention them all). What do you eat?

I like vegetables, grains, beans, seeds, nuts sea veggies and the occasional fruit.… Read the rest

Winter Squash Recipes and Benefits


Winter squash is great. Here’s why:

  1. Squash is great for keeping you warm in the winter
  2. Squash is sweet but is very good for you
  3. Squash tastes great in soups, bakes, mashes, stir fries, pies, even jello!
  4. Squash is inexpensive and lasts
  5. Squash seeds are AMAZING when you dry/toast with some spices

Here are three great recipes:

1.Read the rest

Recipe for Squash Kanten (great snack, lunch or dessert)

Squash is good to eat right now–very plentiful (although not as plentiful as last year), and the orange color tells you

it’s full of life.

Eat this, and you will enjoy your day…

Cube 2 cups squash or pumkin, without the skin and seeds

Boil gently in 4 cups of water with a dash of sea salt for about 10 minutes.… Read the rest