Why No Dairy?

You like Top 10 Lists, eh? Okay, here’s another…

Top 10 Reasons To Give Up Eating Dairy Foods

  1. The price of dairy products has skyrocketed over the past few years
  2. Milk has been linked to thyroid cancer, which is found in approximately half of adults over 50. Comes from iodine used to treat mastitis. Also hormones, antibiotics, etc.
  3. All dairy products cause weight gain—cheese is at the top of the list
  4. Dairy foods have enormous amounts of bacteria, stressing our immune system. Pasteurization has consistently been found to be inadequate
  5. Any woman, and especially any mother can tell you that being milked several times per day for months at a time is extremely taxing. Misery loves company
  6. Dairy cows have a lifespan of just a 4-5 years, vs. 20 year normal lifespan.
  7. While milk is touted as good for your bones, milk drinkers have the most osteoporosis
  8. Milk has been linked to breast cancer, SIDS, Asthma, Allergies, leukemia, & diabetes
  9. Dairy products promote air, land and water pollution
  10. The U.S. Government, The Dairy Council and Big Pharma say milk is part of a healthy diet. They make huge profits while we sneeze and wheeze and choke down tons of addictive but harmful cheese!

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