Foods For High Blood Pressure Control


Say you are 50, and you’ve got mild Crohn’s Disease, but it’s being treated, and you are otherwise in decent health. Maybe 10 pounds overweight, don’t exercise enough, too much work stress, etc. Pretty common situation in today’s world.

Now you go for your physical, and the doctor informs you that your blood pressure is a bit high. You may have a choice to make.

He’d like you to go on meds, but that is certainly the wrong move. Here are three reasons why:

  1. All medications weaken your liver
  2. If you are already on medication, there is a chance for interactions (happens a LOT)
  3. You may have been stressed today, but not have blood pressure (was it taken lying down?)

So you tell the doctor you will make some diet and lifestyle changes. Here are the changes you need to make:

  1. Eat brown rice  (cook with sea salt, or sea veg.) and boiled organic veggies 4-7x per week
  2. Eat fermented foods (miso, tempeh, homemade pickles w/ salt vs. vinegar, no sugar, no colors)
  3. Reduce sodium: eat out less, avoid foods over 200mg of sodium per serving, switch to sea salt
  4. Take a :15-30 walk in the woods morning and evening. Choose yoga or meditation vs. lift/run
  5. Do a daily body rub before you shower. It exfoliates, improves circulation, and relaxes you

Do that for 60 days, and go back for another pressure check. Also take pressure lying down. It will be lower, significantly lower.

Next step? Read my blog more often and try new foods such as umeboshi plums, shiitake mushrooms, and sea vegetables.

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