Facts About Nutrition and Disease

You want to be healthy, right? There are conflicting messages, and human beings sometimes are slow to change. Don’t sweat it. But know this: Research CLEARLY shows, Get more than 10-12% of calories from animal foods (meat, eggs, dairy), disease will begin to take root.… Read the rest

The Road to Ruins

No Sugar-Singing, Dancing, Joking

Sugar-Stinging, Demanding, Choking

Folks, we all want to be happy, especially this time of year, but so much sugar in our diets makes it difficult.

Sugar has many forms, and all of them are powerful, but white sugar (and brown sugar and powdered sugar and corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup) are ruinous to our health.… Read the rest

Water to Alkalinize Your Body

A friend of mine dropped by this morning to share some Kangen Water. She is using it with good results and thinking of selling systems (multi-level, it’s a Japanese system for hundreds to a couple thousand dollars) that separate water into an acidic run-off (which you can use as a cleaner, very clever!)… Read the rest