Water to Alkalinize Your Body

A friend of mine dropped by this morning to share some Kangen Water. She is using it with good results and thinking of selling systems (multi-level, it’s a Japanese system for hundreds to a couple thousand dollars) that separate water into an acidic run-off (which you can use as a cleaner, very clever!) and a basic (or alkaline) drinking water, and you can vary the pH somewhat.

My take is, yes, it can work for some people under some conditions, especially if they are overly acidic (most meat-eaters are), and although it’s expensive, it may be worth doing.

However, continuing to eat a poor diet (not all meat-eaters, but those who eat too much meat, low quality meat, or do not chew well, or do not also eat lots of grains and vegetables, or perhaps do not get enough exercise) will eventually lead to health problems, particularly if the crutch (in this case high-pH water) is not in place at all times.

Furthermore, it may cause animal suffering, environmental damage, and economic damage locally and globally.


A far better idea is to eat boiled whole grains and organic vegetables (watch out for nightshades, they are acid-forming), and use small bits of organic animal foods such as white meat fish, as well as sea vegetables, nuts and seeds, beans, etc. This is the diet that created human beings, and it’s the diet that will save us.


Finally, you may want to separate your drinking from your eating. When you do this, your body has a much easier time digesting, and is able to use the nutrients from your meals more easily.

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