Come Home to Your True Nature

Just saw Will Tuttle speak (saw him once before) in Sudbury. Unbelievable guy, so inspirational.

Lived in a trailer for the past 10 years, with his artist wife, cris-crossing the country, speaking about his book, and playing music for people. I was not able to capture the mood in the room, but I did get a few thoughts…

According to Heifer, International, cows were created for 4 Ms…Meat, Milk, Manure and Money

Every day, 75 million animals are killed in the USA for food.… Read the rest

Why So Afraid Of Change?

Yesterday’s revelation (The Boston Globe, C3) that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (retired NBA basketball great) has a form of Leukemia and at age 62 is undergoing treatment is no great surprise really. These guys are used to eating enormous amounts of animal foods that contain everything from hormones, to antibiotics, to gobs of pesticides (they smear it on cow’s bodies now, didn’t you know?)… Read the rest