Spring Is Coming, Lighten Your Diet

Wow, what a winter it has been! Greater Boston has had more snow than anyone can remember, and also colder temperatures.

But the end is near. Hopefully, without flooding to add more problems to our lives.

In regards to eating, we are turning the page from more animal foods, and well cooked dishes, and bean soups, to lighter fare such as medium grain brown rice and lentils, onions and scallions, and of course blanched and pressed salads.… Read the rest

Breakfast of Champions (of Health, Peace and Longevity)

Like you, I enjoyed some fun foods over the weekend, including chocolate, fruit, and bread. But Monday morning, and the start of a new month, helps motivate me to do better for my body.

Today’s breakfast was hot cereal with oat groats, carrots and onion, cooked with sea salt, and sautéed kale stems and leaves, radish and scallions, with sesame oil and shoyu.… Read the rest