Spring Is Coming, Lighten Your Diet

Wow, what a winter it has been! Greater Boston has had more snow than anyone can remember, and also colder temperatures.

But the end is near. Hopefully, without flooding to add more problems to our lives.

In regards to eating, we are turning the page from more animal foods, and well cooked dishes, and bean soups, to lighter fare such as medium grain brown rice and lentils, onions and scallions, and of course blanched and pressed salads.… Read the rest

Cleanse For Spring

I’ve done it before, and will soon do my spring liver cleanse…

  1. Eat light for 5 days, no animal foods or alcohol, or sugar (no small feat!)
  2. No solid food for 2-3 days, only drink water, sweet vegetable drink, carrot juice, apple juice or twig tea
  3. Have colon hydrotherapy
  4. Another 2-3 days of liquids, add lemon juice & olive oil mixture, with cilantro, cayenne and milk thistle
  5. Eat light for another 5 days

During those 2 weeks, do plenty of walking, massage, and get plenty of rest.… Read the rest