What Happens To Your Body In Summer?

I have realized that during the summer, certain changes happen.

If I’m not conscious about my diet and lifestyle, I may drink more alcohol and eat more sugar and fruit. I probably do this to cool my body down, and enjoy extra time off.… Read the rest

Try David’s Sweet Vegetable Drink Today

When you are at work, how do you feel halfway between lunch and dinner, at say 3pm?

Probably, a bit cranky, and in need of a little boost. Your body is way ahead of you. It’s scouting out the cookies, candy, soda, coffee or potato chips to help your blood sugar level get you through your day.… Read the rest

If You Need Animal Foods, Read This…

Here are the only conditions under which you should be eating animal foods daily:

  1. You are a professional or olympic athlete, or a soldier in a combat area
  2. It is winter and you are very physically active
  3. You are buying organic meat, dairy and eggs, or going to organic restaurants
  4. You are eating small portions, and eating brown rice, radishes, other veggies
  5. You are fasting for one day per week
  6. You don’t have colon cancer, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s in your family
  7. Your cholesterol or blood sugar is not high
  8. Your weight is not excessive
  9. You understand the implications for the animals, and for the planet
  10. Be very careful, as your karma may be challenged

Animal Foods

Humans have 32 teeth.… Read the rest

Sweet Vegetable Tea For Healing, Weight Loss, Mood

Are you perfectly happy during the day, extremely healthy, and eating well?

Very few of us are. Life is extremely hectic these days, and most of us don’t even know how to eat well, never mind the truth that organic food can not even be trusted.… Read the rest