One Body, One Life, One World

I’m at the mall, in the Apple Store. Very happening place. Technology is really great, but we are all overloaded by it by the end of the day. Gifts etc. are nice too!

But today is a beautiful sunny day, 60 degrees, and all I want to do is take a nice walk and perhaps lay down on the grass to connect with nature.… Read the rest

Macrobiotic Remedies For What Ails You

In the past two days, I’ve eaten things I regularly don’t. Stress, holidays, weakness, whatever.

Many people have no symptoms when they eat this way, because they have strong constitution, or because they’ve always eaten this way, but I am sensitive, so I feel:

  • Listless
  • Irritable
  • Constipated
  • Not hungry

To get this stuff (mostly cheese, some sugar) out, I’m using something called Ume-Sho-Kuzu, with a pickled umeboshi plum, shoyu (high quality soy sauce) and kuzu (aka kudzu, a white rock that comes mainly from Louisiana these days).… Read the rest

Are You Happy?

I am happy. I have very important things of health, enough money to eat and have shelter, and a beautiful wife and two amazing children.

My body feels great most of the time, and at 47, I know a lot of other people that cannot say the same.… Read the rest

Buy Health Yourself Book, Ideas For Healthy Living Placemat

For 30 years I’ve studied natural health, and I finally put out my first book. In it, I share some of my life experience, and give advice to anyone how they can become healthier in just 28 days.

The journey to better health is unique for all of us, because we’ve had unique diets, lifestyles, and traumas, and our goals are individual.… Read the rest

Healing Is Fun

Summer is fun. We’ve gone to the beach, seen shows, eaten seafood, swam at a friend’s pool, been to the Cape, gone to camp, taken moonlit strolls and more, and the summer is only half over!

But there is also stress, from losses, to worrying about money, to dealing with responsibilities having to do with kids, owning a house, two cars, etc.… Read the rest

Don’t Wait, Get What You Need First

So many lessons in life. We need to make the most of our opportunities to love people, as they are not here forever. But it’s important to protect other people from our suffering, if our ego is not in check. Otherwise, it can get messy.… Read the rest