Why So Afraid Of Change?

Yesterday’s revelation (The Boston Globe, C3) that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (retired NBA basketball great) has a form of Leukemia and at age 62 is undergoing treatment is no great surprise really. These guys are used to eating enormous amounts of animal foods that contain everything from hormones, to antibiotics, to gobs of pesticides (they smear it on cow’s bodies now, didn’t you know?)… Read the rest

Recipe for Squash Kanten (great snack, lunch or dessert)

Squash is good to eat right now–very plentiful (although not as plentiful as last year), and the orange color tells you

it’s full of life.

Eat this, and you will enjoy your day…

Cube 2 cups squash or pumkin, without the skin and seeds

Boil gently in 4 cups of water with a dash of sea salt for about 10 minutes.… Read the rest

A Great Tip For Holidays

Raise your hand if sometimes you eat more food than you wanted to, or too much of one particular item (Apple Pie a la mode for me!). I see some ands, so here’s the tip:

Right after you eat something you are not happy about, have a pickle (that is, a small amount of a real, salt-fermented vegetable, without vinegar and without food coloring).… Read the rest