Hearty Vegetarian Cooking For Autumn

Here’s the deal:

  1. We eat too much meat, salt and baked foods, and we are under too much pressure.
  2. That causes us to gravitate to sugar and drugs to relieve pressure.
  3. The cure is to switch to a seasonal, plant-based diet, and be careful of chemicals, and how we prepare our foods.
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Desperation Leads to Inspiration

“Every now and then we all get desperate.” I learned that from Peter Wolf, lead singer of the J. Geils Band.

Now, of course, that band is playing with out guitarist and co-founder J. Geils himself, due to a contractual issue.… Read the rest

What Annoys Me The Most

Sometimes we Americans are so galling.

Top 10 Annoyances With Americans

  1. Labeling diseases as “incurable” instead of making doctors learn about healing
  2. The idea that an economy must grow or it will die
  3. The notion that we know better than nature how to grow crops or solve problems
  4. Why celebrate birthdays of entertainers when teachers and nurses and social workers deserve it more?
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A Better Way to Heal

Most of us pay huge medical premiums every month. It’s a growing problem, and one that has stunted business growth in this most recent recession.

When we do get sick, our philosophy is often, “Good, now I can reap some benefit from all that expense.”… Read the rest

500 Posts—Something For Everyone

I’ve been at this for a while now, and I must say, I enjoy it.

Sharing my life reminds me I’m not alone, and adds incentive for others to include people in their lives. In these times, with financial and other stress, we need to be in community with others.… Read the rest

I Eat Healthy, But I’m Always Getting Sick

I hear this all the time. The truth is, we should get no more than one cold per year, and we should not have acid reflux, high cholesterol, constipation, backaches, headaches, muscle cramps, rashes, warts, fungus on our toenails, baldness, premature graying, difficult menstruation, mood swings, and depression.… Read the rest

Everything Is Perfect

My friend Bill is writing a book on this very topic. It’s hard for me to be in that space very often or for very long, because I’m a natural critic, and I grew up somewhat spoiled. But I’m getting there.… Read the rest

What Is Your Biggest Health Challenge In 2012

What’s your problem?

  1. Overweight
  2. Stressed Out
  3. High Cholesterol/Blood Pressure/Blood Sugar/PSA etc.
  4. On too many Medications
  5. Eating Disorder
  6. Fatigued
  7. Emotional/Mental Issues
  8. Other (please tell me)
For every comment, I will give a response for FREE!
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Easing Pancreas Issues

We humans don’t live forever. But living a long, healthy and full life is a worthwhile goal, no?

I keep hearing of people who get pancreatic cancer, and then die within a few months or years. It seems that modern medicine does not have a good answer for that one.… Read the rest

Aging Gracefully

Yesterday I had an amazing birthday. The day was filled with support, love and gifts from friends and family. I also had a chance to learn some new things, and serve others, as well as enjoy wonderful food. Thank you to all.… Read the rest