Healing Is Fun

Summer is fun. We’ve gone to the beach, seen shows, eaten seafood, swam at a friend’s pool, been to the Cape, gone to camp, taken moonlit strolls and more, and the summer is only half over!

But there is also stress, from losses, to worrying about money, to dealing with responsibilities having to do with kids, owning a house, two cars, etc.… Read the rest

Halfway to 90 Today

Here are some cool ideas and advice for you…

1. If you are looking for a new and delicious restaurant in Metrowest…
Punjabi Grill–went there today for the BEST Indian/Pakistani meal I’ve had in Boston in over five years. There are seven Indian restaurants within five miles of my home.Read the rest

The Road to Ruins

No Sugar-Singing, Dancing, Joking

Sugar-Stinging, Demanding, Choking

Folks, we all want to be happy, especially this time of year, but so much sugar in our diets makes it difficult.

Sugar has many forms, and all of them are powerful, but white sugar (and brown sugar and powdered sugar and corn syrup and high-fructose corn syrup) are ruinous to our health.… Read the rest

Something Great For This Weekend

If you’ve not heard of Tom Monte, this guy is a gem. He’s written books such as:

Freedom from Disease
Unexpected Recoveries
The Complete Guide to Natural Healing
Staying Young
The East West Guide to Healing Your Body
Fighting Radiation with Food, Herbs, and Vitamins,
Living Well Naturally
Stop Inflammation Now
The Energy Balance Diet
The Calorie Density Solution,
The McDougall Program for Women
The Pritikin Weight Loss Breakthrough
The Ten Best Tools to Boost Your Immune System
Energizing Body, Mind, and Spirit with the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu
Natural Prozac.… Read the rest

Health Yourself By Cooking Balanced Vegan Meals

re you a good cook? Do you routinely cook at least one meal per day for yourself and/or your family? How often are these meals vegan? (that means no animal flesh, eggs, dairy or sugar, which is whitened with cow bones).… Read the rest

A Great Tip For Holidays

Raise your hand if sometimes you eat more food than you wanted to, or too much of one particular item (Apple Pie a la mode for me!). I see some ands, so here’s the tip:

Right after you eat something you are not happy about, have a pickle (that is, a small amount of a real, salt-fermented vegetable, without vinegar and without food coloring).… Read the rest