Peace Now

I’m building a web site for my friend Dr. Kayed Khalil, a talented chiropractor based in Framingham.

If you know Kayed, you may also know he is a gifted speaker on the subject of peace, particularly in the Middle East. He knows a little something about the subject, as he was born in a refugee camp in Beirut, Lebanon.… Read the rest

Breakthroughs Around Willpower and Giving My Gift

I am so blessed to be receiving gifts from all sorts of places, that is leading to huge personal growth.

First, my the men of The Surround ( are there for me every time I am down, and I am there for them.… Read the rest

Aging Gracefully

Yesterday I had an amazing birthday. The day was filled with support, love and gifts from friends and family. I also had a chance to learn some new things, and serve others, as well as enjoy wonderful food. Thank you to all.… Read the rest

Are You Happy?

I am happy. I have very important things of health, enough money to eat and have shelter, and a beautiful wife and two amazing children.

My body feels great most of the time, and at 47, I know a lot of other people that cannot say the same.… Read the rest

Nature Is Calling

Although I’ve always enjoyed technology at work and at play, I am drawn to nature more and more.

Now that my sister Wendy is no longer here, I feel connected to her through nature, and that feels good.

I know I’ll join her at some point, but my mission is to be here and to love and help other people, particularly with their health.… Read the rest

Today, A Poem About My Friend

How can this happen?
My poor child, stolen from her youth,
What nobody knew and dared to think.
She was savagely tied up, drugged and tortured.
Away from her family, she gave up hope of returning home.
But she struggled to live and someday be free again.… Read the rest

Sugar, Part 2

If you read David’s Organic Blog yesterday (, you probably saw a bad limerick plus some bad news that you probably knew deep down.

One thing I forgot to add:

#6-Sugar is a poor choice this time of year because it makes us colder.… Read the rest