Marvelous Summer Morning Drink


Eating out a lot lately?

Meaning to get outside, but waiting for the end of school or the beginning of summer?


Here’s a yummy morning drink that will help relax and detoxify your body this morning.


Greens Tea

Take 1/2 stalk of fresh organic kale or collard green, chop and boil in spring water for three minutes.… Read the rest

Just Had A TIA or Mini-Stroke Or a Senior Moment?

ABCs of Avoiding Stroke & Alzheimers…

A. Be Heart Healthy:

  1. Cut beef, pork, poultry, eggs and dairy consumption
  2. Choose organic for animal foods, fruit and greens
  3. Avoid white flour, yeast, table salt, corn syrup, and chemicals
  4. Eat boiled rice, millet, barley and other whole grains 2x daily
  5. Enjoy radish, onion, kale, collard, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot and winter squash

B.Read the rest

My Earth Day Wish

Happy Earth Day 2015!


Here’s my wish for Earth Day:

I wish all the people in the United States, were healthy, happy and enlightened enough to see that our planet has many wonderful, unique gifts that are ours for the borrowing, but that we must support her, and not take advantage because of greed and competition.… Read the rest

Frequency of Illness vs. Quality of Diet


Do you get sick more than 2-3 times per year? Is the duration more than 24 hours?

Does this affect your productivity, enjoyment or budget?

If so, consider this: You may be eating too much, getting too many toxins, and still may not be getting enough nutrition, in order to keep your immune system strong.… Read the rest

Top 10 Healthy Eateries In Greater Boston


There are perhaps 5,000 restaurants in greater Boston. How many have you tried? I’ve hit 250.

Most of them use way too much salt, and the wrong kind of salt, as well as white flour, and animal products loaded with pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, and who knows what else.… Read the rest

Top 10 List To Heal Or Prevent Disease

If you are sad because your wife just got diagnosed with Parkinsons or cancer, or you just cannot drop those 60 pounds for your doctor, or your son’s bipolar disorder is getting worse, I’m sorry.

The medical system has you right where they want you.… Read the rest

Does Organic Really Matter?


Generally YES. However, nothing in life is simple, where there are humans involved.

It is true that you cannot always believe something is organic, that is, grown without hormones, pesticides, hybridization, antibiotics, etc. In addition, sometimes organic is meaningless, for instance, seaweed, or metal.… Read the rest

Produce Bargains at Haymarket? Hold On…


I love a good outdoor market. A closure brought me through the Sumner Tunnel the other day, and I found myself at Haymarket, where the senses are delighted.

$17 later, I was carrying four bags of produce with amazing bargains:

  • 3 avocados for $2
  • 2 pints of blueberries for $5
  • a head of lettuce for $.50
  • 2 giant leeks for $2
  • a giant head of cauliflower for $2
  • a giant bag of grapes for $1.50
  • an eggplant for $.75
  • a cucumber for $.50
  • Three scallion bunches for $1.00
  • a GIANT bag of mesclun salad mix for $2.00
  • a big bag of fingerling potatoes

All I could think of was the savings of $25 or more vs.… Read the rest

Do You Believe These Headlines?

Today’s Boston Globe reports that “Organic food may not be much healthier,” according to Stanford University doctors who reviewed past studies on organic versus conventional foods.

But, as with contracts, it’s important to read the fine print. The article also goes on to say:

  1. Organic produce had a 30% lower risk of containing detectable pesticide levels
  2. Germs in non-organic meas had a 33% higher risk of being resistant to multiple antibiotics
  3. Organic foods may be better for the environment and look and taste better

It is true that organic foods are often 1.5 to 3x the price of conventional foods, but with soaring cancer rates, as well as loss of many species and degradation of soil, water and air quality, it may be a price worth paying.… Read the rest