Spot On Your Lung Film? Don’t Panic!

Cancer is no fun. It is taking more of us all the time, and the cost and suffering can be staggering.

However, the way we handle cancer in the U.S. is extremely poor in most cases. Radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, other medications, and the stress that go with constant doctor visits and crazy medical bills would drive anyone insane, as witnessed by our good friend Walter White.… Read the rest

Pancreatic Cancer, Medical System vs. Macrobiotics

Pancreatic cancer is a bummer. Here are some of the people we’ve lost that way:

  • Steve Jobs
  • Randy Pausch
  • Patrick Swayze
  • Michael Landon

Did you know that once someone is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, their one-year survival rate is:

  • 10% with conventional medicine
  • 52% on a Macrobiotic diet

Some ideas:

  1. Two servings of whole grains
  2. Reduce salt, baked foods, chicken, eggs and cheese
  3. Relax through meditation, nature walks and pets
  4. Avoid harmful chemicals in food and at home/work
For more ideas, Google “Macrobiotics for Cancer” or buy a book by Sherry Rogers, MD
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Snacking Better

If you don’t bring a healthy lunch to work, then you might have to eat out.

Most restaurants and takeout joints pack their food with tons of salt, sugar, chemicals and animal products, which not only weaken your immunity and promote obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc.,… Read the rest

Protein Truths

Proteins are amino acid chains  that our bodies create and use as enzymes, hormones and structural tissues.

The myth that animal protein is superior to plant protein comes from the fact that animal foods have all eight amino acids, vs. plant proteins which combine to provide them.… Read the rest

A Better Way to Heal

Most of us pay huge medical premiums every month. It’s a growing problem, and one that has stunted business growth in this most recent recession.

When we do get sick, our philosophy is often, “Good, now I can reap some benefit from all that expense.”… Read the rest

Pink Slime, Creme Eggs & A Robust Healthcare System

We are being set up. Well, those of us who shop and eat the conventional American diet.

It’s our own fault, of course. Every single day, there are articles online and in print, and television and radio shows exposing the horrific crimes of “phude” companies, who know that they can add sodium or corn syrup to just about anything, slap on a wrapper, and sell it to us anywhere from gas stations to drug stores to supermarkets to schools.… Read the rest

Why No Dairy?

You like Top 10 Lists, eh? Okay, here’s another…

Top 10 Reasons To Give Up Eating Dairy Foods

  1. The price of dairy products has skyrocketed over the past few years
  2. Milk has been linked to thyroid cancer, which is found in approximately half of adults over 50.
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Dye Your Hair? Pick Your Poison…

Perhaps a quarter of all American women over 21 dye their hair on a regular basis. Is there any doubt this is contributing to their risk of getting cancer, kidney or liver disease, neurological other health problems?

We are all free to hurt ourselves if we choose, but what about when we ask other people to give of themselves to save us from our own stupidity?… Read the rest

What Do You Want From Me?

I like to blog. It helps me focus my thoughts for more success in my life. But I also want to help you.

Today, I have three thoughts. Please let me know which is most helpful or interesting to you. Thanks.… Read the rest