Natural Solutions to Nagging Back Problems

Summer is here! Sadly, most of us must work to finance vacations and monthly expenses.

With work, comes stress. Add to it the ever-increasing political, social and environmental struggles.

To reduce our stress, we turn to comfort foods. For some, it’s fruit juice, alcohol, coffee drinks, ice cream, chocolate or candy.… Read the rest

Turn Off ALS, Parkinsons, Alzheimers etc.

Turn off ALS? Wow. More than half of doctors:

  • Don’t value our time
  • Are not open to alternative healing
  • Promote tests, drugs and surgery
  • Don’t have a clue how to prevent illness
  • Are not healthy themselves
  • Believe that diseases are just bad luck

When we are diagnosed with a horrible disease like ALS, Parkinsons or Alzheimers Disease, the medical system reels us in.… Read the rest

Try David’s Sweet Vegetable Drink Today

When you are at work, how do you feel halfway between lunch and dinner, at say 3pm?

Probably, a bit cranky, and in need of a little boost. Your body is way ahead of you. It’s scouting out the cookies, candy, soda, coffee or potato chips to help your blood sugar level get you through your day.… Read the rest

Now Is The Time

If you are over 40, and have any symptoms or take any daily meds, this is your wakeup call.

All disease is caused by animal protein, chemicals, and stress, and aided by eating sugar, and having bad family history.

  1. Beef, pork, veal and cheese are DEATH, for animals, the environment, and our health
  2. Organic is no guarantee, but worth it for animal foods, greens and fruit
  3. Smoking, alcohol, medications, sugar, and fast food must be avoided
  4. You need to walk in the woods and stretch every day.
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Health Truth or Dare!

My health is not perfect. After all, I’m 52, and I work every day.
I get a cold every 2-3 years, and a sore shoulder, back or leg, maybe every other year, but overall I enjoy excellent health. Five cavities, one (hand) surgery, and about three trips to the emergency room in the past 32 years, all minor.
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Make Your Own Healthy Bean Dishes

Do you like beans?

Some people don’t eat them because of gas or perhaps their doctor advised against it. Too bad, they are full of incredible nutrients, from calcium to protein.

Here are some ideas for you to try, so you can feel more satisfied with plant-based meals, instead of killing a chicken or cow or turkey or pig, harming your health and the environment…

Top 10 Ideas For Non-Bean Eaters

  1. Make Your Own Hummus-it’s cheaper, healthier and more delicious than store bought, and it saves plastic!
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