Protein Truths

Proteins are amino acid chains  that our bodies create and use as enzymes, hormones and structural tissues.

The myth that animal protein is superior to plant protein comes from the fact that animal foods have all eight amino acids, vs. plant proteins which combine to provide them.… Read the rest

The Marathon Of Life

Today is wonderful…sunny, quiet, nature is on the move for Spring, and people are excited about the Marathon, the Bruins, and having a relaxing weekend. I already got some things done for today, so I can relax with my family.

Life is long.… Read the rest

I Eat Healthy, But I’m Always Getting Sick

I hear this all the time. The truth is, we should get no more than one cold per year, and we should not have acid reflux, high cholesterol, constipation, backaches, headaches, muscle cramps, rashes, warts, fungus on our toenails, baldness, premature graying, difficult menstruation, mood swings, and depression.… Read the rest

Macrobiotic Remedies For What Ails You

In the past two days, I’ve eaten things I regularly don’t. Stress, holidays, weakness, whatever.

Many people have no symptoms when they eat this way, because they have strong constitution, or because they’ve always eaten this way, but I am sensitive, so I feel:

  • Listless
  • Irritable
  • Constipated
  • Not hungry

To get this stuff (mostly cheese, some sugar) out, I’m using something called Ume-Sho-Kuzu, with a pickled umeboshi plum, shoyu (high quality soy sauce) and kuzu (aka kudzu, a white rock that comes mainly from Louisiana these days).… Read the rest

Get a Good Night’s Sleep (for S.P.)

My new friend is a wonderful person. He is sensitive, smart, generous and has great taste.

Unfortunately, he’s feeling weak and depressed, after decades of living without discipline, and having only recently tasted life without privilege.

Luckily, he’s been to the mountaintop, and he has plenty of support.… Read the rest

Top 10 Ideas To Make Cookies & Ice Cream Healthier

Often, I hear stories of people who gave up the corporate world, to open an ice cream store or start baking cookies for a living. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

The world is full of ice cream and cookies, but we are still a sick and depressed bunch.… Read the rest

More Yin For Summer

Yin and yang are the universe’s guiding forces, known well in Asia but unfamiliar to most of us. Summer is time for more yin (expansion), relaxation, upward growth and fun! Support comes from salad, beans, long grain brown rice and quick-cooked or raw foods.… Read the rest

Some Days You Know…

Today I woke up and knew I had to eat light.

I had trouble getting out of bed–three days in a row eating potato latkes might have contributed.

So here’s my plan…

1) Get plenty of fresh air and exercise
2) Eat lightly, and chew very well–brown rice, cooked veggies and soup only
3) Stay away from things I like and have been eating lately, such as bread, crackers, nuts Don’t eat standing up, or between meals
4) Have some hot carrot juice to stay relaxed about 3pm
5) Meditate on how lucky I am to have so many great people in my life

Tomorrow, I’ll probably go back to eating more, if I’m up to it.… Read the rest

Winter Preparations

October is a very active month, and not just because of Walmart selling Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations.

The energy of the kids is very active–they are getting into school, whether it be math problems or studying ancient greece, and most of them are still scurrying about in tee shirts, enjoying the last licks of Summer.… Read the rest