Taking A Day Off

Yesterday, my mother-in-law Mary Rosen finally passed away, after almost 20 years with Parkinsons. We are very thankful that we got to say goodbye, although being without her is difficult to imagine.

Although her life was very difficult for 10 of those 20 years, she never once complained.… Read the rest

Water to Alkalinize Your Body

A friend of mine dropped by this morning to share some Kangen Water. She is using it with good results and thinking of selling systems (multi-level, it’s a Japanese system for hundreds to a couple thousand dollars) that separate water into an acidic run-off (which you can use as a cleaner, very clever!)… Read the rest

How I Wake Up Every Morning

The beautiful serenity of a good night’s rest can be quickly shattered by an alarm clock or an uptight spouse.

I have taken many classes in meditation, yoga, d0-in, and have developed a morning routine that works well for me. Here’s what I normally do…

1) Open the shade and window, and breathe in deeply while gazing at the rising sun in my woodsy backyard (I am lucky)

2) Sit up straight and breathe, then give myself a masssage from my head and face to my neck, shoulders, arms and hands, to my shakras (7 altogether), to my legs and feet.… Read the rest

Health Yourself By Cooking Balanced Vegan Meals

re you a good cook? Do you routinely cook at least one meal per day for yourself and/or your family? How often are these meals vegan? (that means no animal flesh, eggs, dairy or sugar, which is whitened with cow bones).… Read the rest

Come Home to Your True Nature

Just saw Will Tuttle speak (saw him once before) in Sudbury. Unbelievable guy, so inspirational.

Lived in a trailer for the past 10 years, with his artist wife, cris-crossing the country, speaking about his book, and playing music for people. I was not able to capture the mood in the room, but I did get a few thoughts…

According to Heifer, International, cows were created for 4 Ms…Meat, Milk, Manure and Money

Every day, 75 million animals are killed in the USA for food.… Read the rest

Chew On This…

As I told the people at the Acton Networking group I spoke to this past Monday evening, chewing can make a dramatic difference in the digestion process, and yield results such as:

1) Weight Loss

2) Better Mood & Concentration

3) Lower Toxicity in your body

4) Higher Immunity

It works great for all foods, but is especially powerful when you chew boiled grains such as rice, millet, barley, corn, quinoa, amaranthe, spelt, etc.… Read the rest